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Cash Counter

Cash Counter

Cash Counter is the mainly used to tally the amount came from different payments like by cash upi internet banking card or any other source

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after clicking cash counter we can this screen.

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on the above screen we can see the refresh option and selecting assigning authority and creating new counter

Refresh : This usually refers to the action of updating the report to ensure that the latest data is displayed. In the context of hospital billing, refreshing the report ensures that all recent transactions and updates are included.

Assigning Authority : it could indicate who authorized the treatment or service that is being billed. This is crucial for ensuring that all services billed are properly authorized and documented.

Add Counter
after clicking add counter we can see below screen there we need to enter the details like counter name code user name and assigning authority.

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In a hospital cash counter, these terms refer to various pieces of information related to financial transactions and administrative details. Here’s an explanation of each term:

Created At : This is the date and time when a specific financial record or transaction was first created in the hospital’s system. It helps in tracking when the transaction was initiated.
Last Updated At : This indicates the most recent date and time when the financial record or transaction was modified. It is useful for maintaining an audit trail and ensuring that all changes are documented.
User Assigned : This refers to the staff member or cashier who is responsible for handling the specific transaction or record. It ensures accountability and allows for easy tracking of who managed each transaction.
Counter Name : This is the name or identifier of the cash counter or cash register where the transaction took place and this helps in identifying where each transaction occurred.
Code : This typically refers to a unique identifier or code associated with a specific transaction or financial record. It helps in quickly referencing and managing transactions within the system.
Created By : This indicates the user or system administrator who initially created the financial record or transaction. It is useful for tracking the origin of the entry.
Current Total Cash : This represents the total amount of cash currently available at the cash counter. It includes all cash received from patients and other sources up to that point in time.
Deposits : This refers to the amounts of money deposited into the hospital’s accounts, either from cash collected at the counter, electronic payments, or other financial transactions. It ensures that the cash counter’s records are reconciled with the hospital’s bank accounts.

View Shift

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In view shift we can add the details like start date end date collected by department doctor store after entering all the details we can see the data of particular what we given details.

after that we can enter in tally cash details and if there is any comment or reason we can add that one also so that admin can see the what could be the reason or any other issues.

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